Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I'm learning how to recycle and how to spell it but I am having trouble. Maybe its just because our brains can only hold so much useless information, and recycling just isn't built into us yet... I mean its still a relatively new concept... who am I kidding! I am such a consumer/consumptionist..... ignorant! Now that I think about it there wasn't much need for recycling a long time ago because NOTHING was wasted... and now we waste almost everything because we are spoiled and addicted to CRAP! So I'm trying, I printed out the directions on how to recycle... green bin/red bin stuff... I still need to ask every week whether its garbage or green bin...when do I put out the recyclables and the cardboard... what do I tie up the board with.... what day of the week is it cause everywhere I drive it seems like there's always a garbage day somewhere. And then there's the other voice telling me that recycling is just spreading crap around, not really creating good for anyone.... I dunno. I still think I need to read a book for dummies about it.. me being the big dummy!

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